App Data


App Data is primarily used for testing widgets, allowing developers to assess widget behavior with predefined sample data. Users can create, duplicate, and delete App Data for each model object, including both core and user-defined models.

Key Features

Model Object Selection

  • Access all model objects, including both core and user-defined models, in App Data.

User Type and Current User Configuration

  • User Type Selection: Choose the user type for which you want to create or test App Data.

  • Current User Configuration: Set a user as the current user for testing specific scenarios.

Login User Configuration

  • Designate a user as the login user for testing widget interactions.

Creating and Managing App Data

  • Add App Data: Create new App Data entries for different model objects.

  • Duplicate App Data: Replicate existing App Data entries for efficient testing.

  • Delete App Data: Remove unnecessary App Data entries as needed.

App Data for Transient Models

  • You also can generate App Data for Transient Models to simulate dynamic scenarios.

Using App Data

Step 1: Choose the model object for which you want to create or test App Data and enter all the details in that object and Save it.

Step 2: Select the user type relevant to your testing scenario.

Step 3: Configure the current user for precise testing conditions.

Step 4: Choose a user to act as the login user during widget testing.

Step 5: Duplicate, or delete App Data entries as per your testing requirements.

Step 6: If needed, Create App Data entries specifically for testing Transient Models.


App Data in D3E Studio is a valuable tool for testing and validating widgets with sample data. By utilizing the features provided in App Data, developers can ensure widgets function correctly under different scenarios, contributing to the overall robustness of the application.