
D3E Studio provides a user-friendly Profile Settings section, allowing users to manage various aspects of their account. Here is an overview of the sections available in D3E Studio.

Profile Settings

Access Profile Settings:

  • Go to the bottom in the Navigation bar.
  • Click on the Profile Settings.

Profile Information:

  • Update personal information, such as name, email, and other relevant details.

Change Password

Access Change Password:

  • In the left navigation bar, click on "Change Password."
  • And enter new password and confirm password.
  • And click on update.

Change Password Procedure:

  • Users can update their account password for enhanced security.

SSH Keys

Access SSH Keys:

  • In the left navigation bar, click on "SSH Keys"

Manage SSH Keys:

  • Users can add, view, and manage SSH keys for secure authentication when interacting with repositories
  • For more information, see "SSH Key Management".

Change Theme

Access Change Theme:

  • In the left navigation bar, click on "Change Theme"
  • Select the theme which you want

Customize Visual Theme:

  • Users can personalize their D3E Studio experience by changing the visual theme.