

The Overview section in D3E Studio serves as a centralized dashboard where users can access and manage essential project details. This user guide provides a comprehensive overview of the features and functionalities available in the Overview section, guiding users on how to view, edit, and navigate project-related information efficiently.

Key Components

Project Details:

  • Purpose: Display essential project details in a centralized location.

  • Components:

    Description: Add or edit a description for the project.

    Modules: View a list of modules and navigate to them directly.

    Models: Add or edit model descriptions and navigate to specific models.

    Pages: Display a list of all pages with previews and direct navigation options.

Description Management:

  • Purpose: Provide a space for users to add or edit descriptions related to the project.

Module Overview:

  • Purpose: Facilitate quick access to module-related information.
  • Navigation: Directly navigate to specific modules from the Overview section.

Model Information:

  • Purpose: Offer a consolidated view of models with additional details.
  • Add or Edit Model Description: Enhance documentation by providing clear model descriptions.
  • Navigation: Directly navigate to specific models from the Overview section.

Page Listings:

  • Purpose: Present a comprehensive list of all project pages.
  • Page Previews: View previews of pages for quick identification.
  • Navigation: Directly navigate to specific pages from the Overview section.

How to Access the Overview Section

Step 1: Look for a dedicated section labeled "Overview" on the project workbench.

Step 2: Explore project details, descriptions, modules, models, and pages from the Overview section.

Step 3: Add or edit descriptions, navigate to modules, models, or pages directly from the Overview section.