Branch and Pull Request


In D3E Studio, branches play a crucial role in managing and organizing the development workflow. Here's an overview of how branches function in D3E Studio:

1. Branch Concept


  • Branches in D3E Studio are versions that diverge from the main working project.
  • Each branch represents a separate line of development.

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Base Branch:

  • The main branch is defined as the base branch. It serves as the primary working version of the project.

2. Creating Sub-Branches

Sub-Branch Creation:

  • Developers can create sub-branches from the main branch. Also from any other branches which is created from the main branch.
  • These sub-branches are individual working copies that allow developers to make changes without affecting the main branch.

Developer Isolation:

  • Each developer typically works in their respective branches, providing isolation for their changes and developments.

Steps to create Branch

1. Click on the Create Branch button.

2. Select Base Branch

  • The base branch is the starting point from which your new branch will be created. Choose the branch that you want to branch off from.

3. Enter the name of the branch and click on the Create Branch button.

3. Merging Changes

Merging into Main Branch:

  • After working on their individual branches, developers merge their changes back into the main branch. This integration ensures that all changes are incorporated into the primary project.

Complexity Management:

  • Creating individual branches helps manage the complexity of merging changes, reducing the likelihood of conflicts during the integration process.

Branches in D3E Studio provide a structured approach to collaborative development. They allow developers to work independently in isolated environments, reducing conflicts during the integration of changes into the main project. By creating individual branches, developers can effectively manage the complexity of merging changes and enhance the overall development workflow in D3E Studio.

Managing Out-of-Sync Branches in D3E Studio: A Guide

In D3E Studio, branches may become "Out of Sync" when they fall behind in terms of commits compared to the parent branch. Here's a guide on how to handle out-of-sync branches and bring them back to a synchronized state:

1. Identification of Out-of-Sync Branch


  • An out-of-sync branch is one that is behind by a few commits compared to its parent branch.

Pull Request:

  • A pull request is typically initiated to get the updated changes and merge them into the parent branch. For more information check Pull Requests below.

2. Syncing Branches

Pull Request Procedure:

  • Developers can initiate a pull request to sync their branch with the latest changes from the parent branch.

Merge Process:

  • The pull request will be reviewed, and if approved, the changes will be merged into the parent branch.

3. Rebase for Synchronization

Rebase Explanation:

  • Another approach to bring a branch to a synchronized state is to perform a rebase.

Commit All Changes:

  • Before initiating a rebase, it's essential to commit all changes from the repository.

Rebase Process:

  • Execute the rebase operation to convert the branch to a synchronized state.

Handling out-of-sync branches in D3E Studio involves initiating a pull request to merge updated changes into the parent branch or performing a rebase to synchronize the branch. Both approaches aim to ensure that the branch incorporates the latest developments from the main working project. Developers should commit all changes before initiating a rebase for a smooth synchronization process.

Pull Requests

In software development, a Pull Request (PR) is a collaborative process that allows developers to propose changes to a codebase. It's a critical part of the code review and integration workflow, enabling a structured and controlled way to introduce modifications. Here's a detailed explanation of pull requests:

1. Initiating a Pull Request

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  • Developers initiate pull requests to propose changes they've made in a branch to be merged into another branch, typically the main or base branch.


  • Developers create a pull request through a pull requests platform, providing details about the changes and their purpose.

Steps to create Pull Request

1. Initiate a New Pull Request:

  • On the Pull Requests page, find and click the "New pull request" button. This button is usually prominently displayed and is used to start the process of creating a new pull request.

2. Select Base and Source Branches:

  • In the pull request creation interface, you'll see options to select the base branch (the branch you want to merge changes into) and the source branch (the branch containing your changes). Use the provided dropdowns or selectors to choose the appropriate branches.

3. Review and Edit:

  • Before submitting the pull request, review the selected branches, title, and description. Make any necessary edits or adjustments to ensure accuracy and clarity.

4. Create the Pull Request:

  • Once you're satisfied with the selected branches, title, and description, click the "Create" button to officially create the pull request.

2. Pull Request Components

Title and Description:

  • The pull request is accompanied by a title and description, providing context about the changes made.


  • The commits associated with the pull request are listed, showcasing the individual changes made.

Files Changed:

  • A detailed view of the files modified, added, or deleted is presented for comprehensive review.

3. Code Review


  • Team members, known as reviewers, are assigned to assess the proposed changes.


  • Reviewers can leave comments, ask questions, and suggest modifications directly on the code.


  • Once reviewed, the pull request may receive approvals from the reviewers, indicating that the changes are acceptable.

4. Merging

  • If the pull request passes reviews and automated tests, it can be merged into the target branch, applying the changes to the codebase.

5. Branch Cleanup

  • After successful merging, the branch associated with the pull request may be deleted to keep the repository tidy.

Pull requests are a fundamental aspect of modern software development, facilitating collaboration, code quality assurance, and systematic integration. They provide a structured process for proposing, reviewing, and integrating code changes, ensuring that modifications to the codebase are well-vetted and aligned with project goals.