

Deployment in D3E Studio involves the process of taking a built project and making it available for use. It typically includes transferring the project files and configurations to a server or hosting environment where it can be accessed by end-users.

1. Deployment Order:

1.1. Server Build Deployment:

  • Objective: Deploy the server build first before the web build.

  • Reasoning: Ensures that the backend infrastructure and server-side logic are in place before deploying the frontend components.

1.2. Web Build Deployment:

  • Objective: Deploy the web build after the running deployment of the server build.

  • Reasoning: Completes the deployment process by making frontend components and user interfaces accessible.

2. Deployment Status:

  • Scheduled: The initial status when a deployment is triggered.

  • Running: Indicates that the deployment is live and actively in progress.

  • Failed: Signifies that the deployment process encountered errors or issues.

3. Accessing Deployments:

  • Deployment Link: Click on the deployment link to access the deployed project.

4. Deployment Logs:

Log Availability:

  • Access: View deployment logs to track the progress and identify any issues.
  • Purpose: Helps in debugging and understanding the deployment process.

5. Deployment Management:

Start and Stop:

  • Action: Anytime, start or stop the deployment process.
  • Purpose: Provides flexibility to control the deployment status based on project requirements.

Delete Deployment:

  • Action: Delete a deployment if necessary.
  • Consideration: Use with caution, as deleting a deployment may impact accessibility.

6. Detailed Deployment Information:

Click on Deployment:

  • Action: Click on a particular deployment to access detailed information.

7. Redeployment:


  • Action: Re-deploy a specific deployment.
  • Purpose: Useful in scenarios where a re-deployment is required to address updates or changes.

Deployments in D3E Studio provide a robust mechanism to seamlessly transition from successful builds to live projects. The ability to manage deployment order, monitor status, access detailed logs, and control deployment actions ensures a streamlined and efficient deployment process.

By following the steps outlined in this documentation, developers can confidently deploy their projects in D3E Studio, maintaining control and visibility throughout the deployment lifecycle.